
Cathy Paine, M.A., GCFT
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®
Wilton, Connecticut 

Cathy's knowledge of the intricacies of the Feldenkrais Method is evident in every class. She is articulate and patient, her directions are clear, she gives individual attention to her students, and she explains the theory behind the movement. As a teacher I often stand all day, or hunch over a desk grading papers. Cathy’s class has helped me sit, stand, and walk with a new ease. I never realized how comfortable I could be.
Michelle Simpson, M.A.
Professor of Speech Communication
College of Southern Maryland

A friendly, less-pain-more-gain path toward awareness... The beauty, creativity and wisdom of a dance teacher are some unique qualities Cathy brings to her teaching of the Feldenkrais Method.

Utkarsh Joshi, M.D.,
Children's Hospital, Washington D.C.

I find Cathy's classes both dynamic and inspiring. Her vast experience in movement education is well exemplified in her clarity and ability to address the unique needs of each of her students. Take her class, you won't regret it!
Deirdre O’Brien, PT, MPh 
Baltimore, MD

Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Awareness Through Movement® and Functional Integration® 
are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.
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Cathy brings to her Feldenkrais sessions the perspective of a performing artist. Because she is also a wonderful dancer she is particularly attuned to the intensely physical nature of a musician’s work, and the problems that can result from these physical demands. Cathy has been invaluable in giving me increased comfort and awareness in my own work. In fact, she has even improved my technique at the instrument.
Gregory Sioles, pianist/faculty
Indiana University, Bloomington